Guipil Festival: From April to November, we celebrated the Güipil Festival across 10 public schools in Forsyth County, NC. As part of this program, we engaged 2,800 students from underserved communities, including Griffith Elementary and Parkland High School. With the production and distribution of the bilingual book “Be Positive: Be Amazing,” which was presented to all 2,800 students. Additionally, we donated 100 copies of the book to school Media Centers, helping to establish or expand bilingual collections in several schools.
At the elementary level, each student received a snack and a beautifully designed handout to reinforce the bilingual activities shared during the event, promoting continued learning at home. At Parkland High School and other sites, a light lunch was served. The Güipil Festival’s visits were a huge success, offering students a rich bilingual cultural and artistic experience, all while integrating social-emotional learning. See for videos and pictures.